Home Telecoms Should I Move My Telephone System To The Cloud?

Should I Move My Telephone System To The Cloud?

Is it time you moved your Telephone system to the cloud?


Cloud is the buzz word in telecoms and IT at the moment and if you are wondering why, then the answer could be cost, resilience and functionality! Historically you would have physical telephone lines running to your premises, these would then have to be connected to a Telephone System (PABX) usually by a trained engineer. This was a costly but essential task which usually run into the thousands of pounds. In addition your main business contact numbers were tied to your premises restricting you from trading in other locations, another issue this that you could only purchase specific hardware which was specifically designed for your system.

Moving your phone system to the Cloud

Today you can access your e-mail, files and documents while on the move. We are accustomed to being able to access our tools for business anywhere, from home or abroad. With the latest Windows 10 update and software generally moving towards a cloud based business model, it is time to your business telephone system joined the party? Luckily Cloud based Hosted telephone systems are bridging the gap and allowing the small, medium and large businesses to have a sophisticated mobile phone system for all their employees for a fraction of the cost.

Hosted VoIP frees you from the restrictions of older Analogue and Digital phone systems. One of the major benefits that is often over looked is that it releases your business from the shackles of the BT Telephone network. Meaning you can take your geographical telephone number anywhere in the world. Trade from Hong Kong on a Manchester telephone number. With the addition of softphones on Laptops, mobiles, & tablets you can trade from anywhere without the need for a system handset. A Softphone is basically a telephone keypad and phone book that syncs with your handset in the office allowing you to take, make that important call while out of the office with no difference to the caller as they will either dial into your direct number or if they receive a call it would show your office number.

The Cloud is full of great features….

Another great feature in hosted VoIP is scalability, adding new users take minutes rather than weeks or even months using a traditional system. Your hosted provider will just courier a new Pre-Configured handset to your door simply plug and play, start trading form the off. In a modern world we want everything yesterday and hosted VoIP is the only telecoms solution that is flexible enough to provide this.

The power of the internet is something that all businesses have been forced to embrace, we are now at the stage where the infrastructure is ready enabling us to take full advantage of the future of phone systems.

A Cloud based hosted VoIP system gives you flexibility and features that you could only dream of with a fixed hardware based telephone system.

So before you invest in an analogue or digital phone system certainly look at a cloud based solution before you make your decision the advantages certainly outweigh anything a traditional phone system can offer in every respect.


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