Why adding some vintage charm to your hotel guestrooms makes such a difference to that memorable hotel visit…

They’re romantic, they’re timeless, and they’re eye-catching – but just what is is about retro phones for hotels that keep hotel guests coming back for more? There is a lot to be said for timelessness in a room’s decor, or even as a show-off retro telephone to have on the front desk.
Appearances matter in the world of catering and accommodation, and retro phones are here in full form to make sure you can create a beautiful and interesting environment for your guests for years to come. Here’s why they work for well, with some suggestions on where to buy the best models for the cheapest prices.

Retro Phones for Hotels are Romantic
Your guests may be on a romantic weekend getaway, or perhaps a business trip where the pressure is on. Either way, retro phones have a romantic element to them which can both set the mood and bring cheer to a hotel guestroom.
Companies such as GPO have really excelled in recent years when it comes to bringing back those old vintage styles. Replica and vintage phones have been taking the accommodation industry by storm.
Guestrooms with Old Style Traditions are Fashionable
It’s true – the race to keep up with the latest fashion is best won by abandoning the new for the old (and timeless). Some of the best hotels in the UK are known for their traditionalism – think about the open fires, the old oak furniture, the stunning art. Old style fashions are comfortable and warm, avoiding that brand new, sharp and shiny look which is perhaps harder to relax in.
Hotels are Best in Colour
Nothing worse than old and drabby hotel rooms which look like they haven’t had any love since the 70s. Companies such as GPO pride themselves on selling bright, colourful and funky replica vintage phones to add colour to your hotel guestroom or reception area. Lifting the mood with old traditional retro styles is the way forward for the accommodation market.
Retro Phones for Hotel Rooms are Timeless
No pressure to replace or upgrade to the latest model, because when you go back in time for funky retro styles, they become timeless options that will never change. Since the return of retro fashion, it has come back with something it never had before – timelessness. The 70s will always be the 70s, as will the 60s and 50s, and once it’s there in your hotel or office, you’ll never need to think about it looking dated.

Some of the Retro Phones for Hotels are Affordable and Easy to Find…

TECH-MAG BEST PICK!: GPO 746 Rotary Dial Telephone

The GPO 746 Rotary Dial Telephones are the best retro phones for hotels, according to the Tech-Mag team. Stunning in their simplicity, yet authentic in their vintage design, GPO have produced a top notch phone which would be perfect for hotel rooms, guestrooms, or hotel reception areas. A replica of the 1970’s GPO 746 classic, it has the authentic bell ringer but with an on/off switch. It works seamlessly with any standard phone line too, so it can easily be plugged in and used without complications. It’s also one of the more affordable options, at around £35 – £40, so it is the best option, in our humble opinion, for kitting out your hotel.