Home Tech Cloud-Based Marketing Firm Win $45M To Go Global

Cloud-Based Marketing Firm Win $45M To Go Global


The future of marketing is in mobile.

In fact, one doesn’t have to do much research to discover that the future of most is in mobile; communication, transactions, social media, marketing: all mobile.

Vibes, a mobile marketing platform, has been making waves in America through its task of creating new revenue potential for retailers and businesses. Though creating new revenue potential is not a ground-breaking feat, the cloud-based platform with its primary focus on mobile marketing is and that is what has helped catch the eye of a powerful investor.

Vibes created the cloud-based platform, Catapult™, which was developed to combine and improve the relationship between marketers and consumers. Mobile communication is carefully managed through targeted mobile marketing and cloud-based applications such as Apple Wallet, Android Pay and even through SMS messaging customer communication.

Syniverse, a global telecommunications giant, has invested $45M for a minority stake in the marketing platform creating the potential of catapulting the already successful technology to the global market.

Stephen C Gray, President and CEO of Syniverse, was impressed by the results that Vibes has achieved for big brands such as Chipotle, GAP and Home Depot in creating additional revenue through targeting mobile campaigns:

“After a thorough and deliberate process we believe Vibes is the best mobile engagement platform to scale across our global footprint. Together, we are uniquely positioned to help brands around the globe reach more consumers in ways that precisely track the return on their mobile marketing spend and accelerate the shift from lower-ROI email campaigns”.

CEO of Vibes, Jack Philbin, also expressed his excitement of the partnership and the potential to improve customer relations and targeted campaigns in the global marketing industry:

“Our software, Catapult, has been extremely successful in the US market and we’ve experienced strong demand from our customers to access this intuitive platform on a global scale.”

This partnership will allow Vibes to provide scaled insights on a user friendly platform that will hopefully improve the global marketing cloud as a general field.

Targeted campaigns are a no-brainer with customers up to 16 times more likely to purchase from a company that has used location based advertising. On a similar (more local) innovative note, Manchester-based digital business OfferMoments have created an app aimed at targeting specific consumers as they walk past shops and restaurants. The OfferMoments digital billboard displays the face of the user walking past, as well as popping up on the user’s mobile, with products and real-time offers nearby that they may be interested in based on the information they give when signing up for the app. Retailers can even incorporate the digital billboard in their shop window displaying specific products for the individual outside the shop at that moment.

The marketing industry has been changing at a rapid rate to keep up with the constant flow of new technology introduced to the field. These are just two examples of what the future of mobile marketing may hold.